Ryan’s Music Picks: 👻 Halloween 2🎃16 Edition

I made a mixtape! I didn’t expect it to happen after I realized that Traktor for iPad and Apple Music tracks didn’t play well together. But I figured it out. So here it is:

Moon Cities – Silent Sandy Circuitry (PodcastSoundcloudMixcloud)
This is kind of a fall mixtape and kind of a Halloween thing, so beware that it’s not 100% ghost and ghouls. There’s a lot of noise, but it starts with violins. I had fun making it and I think you’ll like it. It’s part of the LAMPSHADE (iTunesRSS) music mix podcast that a friend and I run, which, now that I think about, is about 50% Fall/Halloween mixes anyway.

Other halloween music? My go-to is:

The Chiller (BandcampApple MusicSpotify)
The Chiller Part 2: House on Haunted Chill (BandcampApple MusicSpotify)
The Chiller III (BandcampApple MusicSpotify)
The Chiller IV: Night of the Living Chill (BandcampApple MusicSpotify)
This ongoing series of spooky compilations lives somewhere in the lo-fi punk/chillwave continuum of cool internet music. These are all a lot of fun and pretty laid back (hence the name) with instrumentals, skits, honest-to-Skellington songs and pretty Halloweeny vibes without getting gothy. Buried in these four compilations are some songs that will be your mainstay Oct 31 tracks for years to come.

Dope Halloween Fuck (Bandcamp only)
Another, pretty similar compilation that’s a but noisier, a bit lower fidelity, and a bit gothier than The Chiller comps. I once said that this: “…skews nicely lush and lo-fi, like a fourth-hand thrift store version of Pet Sounds outtakes. It’s organic and maybe a little undead like some kind of collective effort of partially-decomposed forest animals.”

Happy Halloween!



