New Year’s Resolutions Pt. 2 (stuff I wanna do)

Yesterday I got the mundane stuff out of the way. Lose weight, eat right, get organized. Now I want to talk about things that I have been wanting to do for a while that I am now deciding to actually do consistently. Here goes:

Blog More

My goal is to post at least once a week. Whether it’s a lunchtime review, a link with a little discussion or a rant about some software, I want to hit “publish” at least once a week.

Also, I want to post a mix once a month for the whole year. I listen to a fantastic amount of music, most of which is common to the Pitchfork worhippers/haters but still bizarre and obscure to the rest of the world. A lot of what I listen to is still unknown to the people with whom I interact regularly, so maybe this can change that? (Of course, I don’t think most of the people I know read this blog, but that’s a dilemma for a different time…) Plus, I used to do a radio show once a week, 20-60 minutes of music once a month shouldn’t be too hard.


Art More

I used to draw a lot. I had copious amounts of time sitting in class spacing out, so I was always filling the margins of my notes with monsters and cars and dinosaurs and explosions and geometric shapes. Now I sit in front of a computer all day, with no margins on which to doodle. I’ve got a little-used unlined foleskine (that’s fake-moleskine) that needs to get filled up so I can go and buy a real one. Plus I have a really good concept for Project Rooftop‘s Batman redesign contest that I don’t want to miss out on submitting.

I have a (now not-so-) secret wish to write comic books. I resolve to look into that, learn how to do it, and maybe pretend to start coming up with ideas about writing one. There, that’s vague enough.

I want to film and photograph stuff more. I’ve got a decent amount of iPhone snaps of Isabella and Rossy and our life, but not much I’d frame (plus, iPhone resolution isn’t really big enough to print nicely). I’m not going to buy a fancy digicam, but I’d like to use the D8 camcorder and 5MP camera we own a lot more.

I want to watch more good movies. Rossy and I have been stuck in a CSI-Smallville-30 Rock-Office-Heroes rut and haven’t watched a good film in a while. I’ve got a ton on our online queue and at least a dozen DVDs that we haven’t watched since we purchased them. We need to get on that. I love film, it is a way to experience something with someone else that can leave you wide-eyed and noticing life differently. So, anyone interested in having a movie club at our house where we watch the art-house, foreign, and 80s-classic films that I own but haven’t been cracked out of their cases yet? (also, I want to revamp my home theater setup.)


Live More

I want to go on a trip somewhere.

I want to go to some museums.

I want to hang out with friends.

I want to drink an occasional beer with some dudes.

I want to go bowling.

I want to find a place at church (or a new church) where I fit in.

I want a new car (this is my most pie-in-the-sky resolution).

I want a new house (no, this is).

I want to be a great Father, Husband, Son, and Brother. (this one is going to require some prayers, I’m way not perfect)


Happy New Year.



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