Category: Lists
Albums of the Year 2008 Followup
Looking back at my several-days-old 2008 AOTY list, I screwed up. A bunch of really good albums failed to place on my list. Not because I didn’t like them as much, but because I forgot about them. Lame. Click through to read some other lists about music from 2008.
Albums of the Year 2008
Click through to see my top albums for 2008.
Chili Cookoff Names
Ah, the workplace chili cookoff. It’s an easy way for everyone to get free food and to slack off in the name of competition. Ideally, chilis are named cleverly and there is a contest for best-tasting chili. Below are some names I came up with while trying to name my chili: [more]
These could be Tweets: a Life Update
Isabella’s saying ‘Dada’ and ‘Mama’ now with some frequency. I drink Diet Dr Pepper daily–I’m starting to break my Diet Coke addiction. I would like a barbecue feast. No one was interested in seeing M83 with School of Seven Bells, so I’m probably not going. Rossy was interested, but when I asked about it later…
Open Letter to Michael Jackson: Recipe for a Comeback
“People will be quick to forgive if the songs are hot.” –Fred Get Timbaland, The Neptunes, Dangermouse and, say, Just Blaze to produce a new album. Get Quincy Jones, too. For old times’ sake. Get Ghostface, MF Doom, Jay-Z, Kanye West and Cee-lo to guest. Get a Michel Gondry to do a couple of videos.…
Stolen from Schoolchildren
“How to de a sea otter” Live up to twenty years old. Stay away from oil spills. Stay on the coast of califoria. Don’t eat too many purple sea archins. Be a single pup and (stay) on your moms chest for a fuw months. Help the kelp beds by eating sea urchins. Stay the size…