Category: Music
Free Music Roundup
I love free music! Especially free music that is being handed out legally and with love. A ton of good stuff has come out recently! Check it out: 2014 was a great year for (free) label compilations. Here are some of my favorites: Ghostly International x Adult Swim presents Ghostly Swim 2 — Mostly ambient electronic…
Favorite Albums, 2014
These aren’t necessarily the “best” albums that came out last year, but they’re definitely the ones I’ve listened to the most. Alphabetically:
Christmas Music 2014
It’s the week of Christmas, which means it’s time for wall-to-wall Christmas music at my household. But Sinatra, Ella and Phil Spector’s Christmas Gift for You can only get you so far. Here’s a round up of the best weird Christmas stuff: Chill Mega Chill records has a good Christmas tape-label compilation out this year.…
The Prestige Format Guide to Upcoming Releases: Fall 2014
Just looking at the Pitchfork one and editing it with the stuff I like. Recently out Helado Negro – Double Youth [Asthmatic Kitty] Salt Cathedral – Oom Velt [self-released] Mozart’s Sister – Being [Paper Bag Records/AK] Castanets – Decimation Blues [AK] My Brightest Diamond – This is My Hand [AK] October 10-07 Caribou – Our Love [Merge]…
My Top Albums of 2012
In alphabetical order: Bear In Heaven – I Love You, It’s Cool: Haunting love songs gloriously filtered through rave sounds. Damien Jurado – Maraqopa: Nearly sacred songs, grounded in buried rock excellence. Delicate Steve – Positive Force: Post-Ratatat with way more shredding and sunshine vibes. (more feelings here) Dirty Projectors – Swing Lo Magellan: Modern…
Delicate Steve
Delicate Steve’s Positive Force album shreds!
Top Ten 2009 Albums to Play for Your Parents
The last of the Super Secret Space Base posts. Links were to dead streaming site lala. here comes a time in your life where you run out of time to pay attention to all of the different things that were so interesting in your youth. Very often, this time comes right around the time you…
Primer: Daft Punk
This was originally posted to Super Secret Space Base, a now defunct blog that I tried to start with an internet pal. I’m reposting some of my random internet posts here to keep them all in one spot. Most of the links in this post go to a dead music streaming site called Primer…
Impossible Pop 2010
It’s 2011 and I’d like to talk (some more) about my favorite music from 2010. Last year was possibly the year I followed music the closest. I used my emusic subscription to the fullest and I was keeping up on all the big trends. Honestly, it was kinda overwhelming. I don’t plan to follow music…