Category: Music
C90 Christmas: Eve & Morn
I put together a Christmas mixtape for you. It’s two sides of a 90 minute cassette. (The cassette ended up being a little longer than 90 minutes, actually. Lucky me.) One side is for Christmas evening and the other is for Christmas morning, but you can really play them any time you’d like. There’s a…
Sleigh Bells: Ideal Music Now
In which I discuss why Sleigh Bells are awesome. Read it all here.
Now We Can Do Stuff Again!
I was feeling old and paralyzed last night as I drove home. It was my daughter’s second birthday (she has officially graduated from tiny baby to little person). It had been a typical case-of-the type of Monday; I was feeling ambivalent about the job that I like alright but don’t see myself doing forever. I…
My Favorite Albums of 2009
I tweeted all this madness, so you have probably seen it before. But here’s all 55 (!) of my #best09 tweets rounded up. The first 10 are in order of preference, after that they’re in the order in which they were posted. For reference, the format is Band/Album//Witty review with the // link going to…
Here is a short mixtape that I whipped up while wrapping up the first Scholastics + Moon Cities collaborative mixtape. “Caniculae” is a Latin equivalent of the “dog days” of summer, which have passed but seem to be lingering out here. All of these songs are from this last year except for the first track,…
Viva La Revolución Digital
I’ve never been much for 8-track tapes. I grew up listening to my parents’ records, then graduated to recordings of those records on cassettes. Eventually I was buying my own Christian music tapes and then CDs (both Christian and *gasp* non-). I amassed quite a collection of CDs in the last twelve years. Right now,…
Twitter Review: Mythomania by Cryptacize
Earlier this week (August 24, 2009), I was listening to music in my car on the way to work and I came across an album I had acquired but had not yet given an appropriate amount of time to. I proceeded to listen to it all day and tweet my thoughts [now annotated!]: 8:42 am…
Freeload Your Summer
A roundup of great free mp3 albums, mixes and compilations. Click here.
Livetweeting Philip Glass + LA Philharmonic @ Hollywood Bowl
A collection of my tweets from the Philip Glass/LA Phil Hollywood Bowl concert with slideshow and download. Link