Category: Music

  • Top Ten of 2009’s First Half

    Top Ten 1. Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavilion [[tied]] 1. Dirty Projectors – Bitte Orca 3. Akron/Family – Set ’em Wild, Set ’em Free 4. DM Stith – Heavy Ghost 5. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – It’s Blitz 6. Grizzly Bear – Veckatimest 7. Bat for Lashes – Two Suns 8. Phoenix – Wolfgang Amadeus…

  • Things to do, Summer 2009

    In which I discuss things that you, dear reader, should do this summer.

  • U Still Rock – A May 2009 Mixtape

    The theme for this mixtape is difficult to articulate but pretty simple to recognize, I think. It has something to do with the combination of rocksteady and dub (no reggae) with pop. But there’s more to it than that, I think. Uh, so think of this as a solid, nearly hour-long jam. Read more

  • Golden Hurricane Mixtape

    This is an old mixtape. My best guess is that it’s from spring 2005, though it may be older than that. Enjoy. link

  • A Bloggy Update

    Here comes a big wrapup and here’s why I haven’t blogged post. Plus links to all the other places you can find me online. Stalker. (link)

  • Lunchtime Review: TV on the Radio Live at the Glasshouse 4/14/2009

    Last night Rossy and I dropped off the baby at her grandparents’ house and drove to Pomona to see rock band TV on the Radio. We had quite a bit of fun, and it was apparent that the band had a lot of fun as well.

  • Cold Fuzz: March/April Mixtape

    Here, finally is the new mixtape.

  • January Super-Mixtape!

    Here’s my January (and a little February) 2009 mixtape. This mixtape fell together mostly through shuffle on my iPhone, and didn’t take me as long to make as last month’s. I am already working on next month’s, so it looks like I might be able to churn these out monthly like I hoped! Link

  • A Christmas Music Party

    Christmas music to listen to and download! Including an exclusive track from Rosie Thomas and an old radio show featuring yours truly! Read it!

  • A Year-End Mixtape

    As promised at the bottom of my first Albums of the Year post, I have finally completed a mixtape with [mostly] 2008 tracks. Click through to listen/download.