Category: Ryan’s Music Picks

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🐾 February 2018

    I’m still doing the album a day thing on twitter. Happy Black History Month! Spotify Playlist Apple Music Playlist Konono No. 1 – Assume Crash Position (Bandcamp)Relentlessly buoyant and just this side of cacophony, this is that sunshine and rainbows music that I like to hear. Rain Machine – Rain Machine (Spotify)Kyp from TV on…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🌜 January 2018

    I decided to post a link to an album every day in 2018 on twitter (@ryanruppe). Here’s January: Spotify Playlist Apple Music Playlist USF – Pacific Decade (Bandcamp) Head-nodding electronic atmospherics for a new year. Deltron 3030 (Bandcamp) A stone cold classic. The best scifi rap in existence AND if it wasn’t for this album…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🎄 Christmas 2017 Edition

    It’s been a while. I have long playlists for September, October, November, and December. I’ll put them up one day. Anyway, I am compelled to share new Christmas albums I’ve found this year. Only a couple of them are on the streaming services, so no playlists this time. Jherek Bischoff – Chestnuts Roasting on an…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks ☔️ 31 August 2017

      Spotify Playlist Apple Music Playlist Arcade Fire – Everything Now (Apple Music, Spotify) The new Arcade Fire has a track produced by Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk and a track produced by Geoff Barrow of Portishead. Both tracks (Everything Now and Creature Comfort, respectively) are among some of the best Arcade Fire songs. The…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🌞 23 August 2017

    Spotify Playlist Apple Music Playlist The Knocks & Skylar Spence Present Amelia Airhorn (Soundcloud, FREE DOWNLOAD) Skylar Spence is formerly known on the internet as Saint Pepsi, and he has always been someone who seeks out and samples perfect and mostly forgotten grooves and brings them forwards to the internet age. With DJ/Remixers The Knocks,…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 💎 27 July 2017

    I’m way behind. This list was compiled about a week and a half after my last proper music picks email/post. This might be a more slapdash post; I’m aiming for one-sentence album descriptions. I’m trying to exorcise this albums from my mental backlog. A lot of music has come out since I put this group…

  • Ryan’s Playlist Picks 🌤 28 June 2017

    A lot of the time I listen to music in my car, I just shuffle my entire library and see what comes up. I like the idea of just having what is essentially a Ryan radio station, made up of just music I’ve added to my library. That said, I’ve always been a bit paranoid…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks ☁️ 5 June 2017

    Here’s a bunch of albums that have fallen in my lap. A lot of them are pretty dark; some are quiet and some are noisy. It’s a weird bunch of albums–there’s something for everyone. Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist Back to the Future the Ride – Health on Earth (Apple Music, Spotify, Bandcamp) BTTFTR make…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🌸 25 May 2017

    Looks like I’ve shifted to roughly monthly for these. Thanks for your patience. This is a lot of music that fits well into the late spring season (an important time for music, IMO). There are 3 different albums from 1968-69 in here this time, and a bunch of baroquely complex pop. That’s just what happens…

  • Ryan’s Music Picks 🍔 12 April 2017

    Whew, it’s been more than a month since my last one of these. I had nearly 30 albums stockpiled in my working playlist, and I’ve cut it down to 11, but I probably will have more next week or the week after. Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist Mastodon – Emperor of Sand (Apple Music, Spotify)…