Prestige Format: Music, Books, Movies

  • Prestige Format Review: Chloe Noonan: Monster Hunter

    Prestige Format Review: Chloe Noonan: Monster Hunter

    I recently discovered Marc Ellerby‘s Chloe Noonan: Monster Hunter through a special Christmas comic that was posted about a month late to his tumblr and then reblogged by someone I follow. Which is a pretty roundabout way to discover something, I suppose, but such is the Internet. I was so enamored, however, that I immediately purchased…

  • Prestige Format Review: Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake #1

    I convinced my daughter to get this comic with three words: “girl adventure time.” Maybe that was a bit reductivist, maybe I was trying to distract her from worrying about the spiders on the cover of My Little Pony #2. (A small side story: My four year old daughter Bella was VERY excited about a…

  • My Top Albums of 2012

    In alphabetical order: Bear In Heaven – I Love You, It’s Cool: Haunting love songs gloriously filtered through rave sounds. Damien Jurado – Maraqopa: Nearly sacred songs, grounded in buried rock excellence. Delicate Steve – Positive Force: Post-Ratatat with way more shredding and sunshine vibes. (more feelings here) Dirty Projectors – Swing Lo Magellan: Modern…

  • On Book Clubs

    For four years running now, I’ve hosted an internet-based Science Fiction/Fantasy book club. Mostly inspired by how much I enjoyed reading Infinite Jest with most of the Internet, It’s never been that wildly successful, but it has been fun. I think I started the book club, and keep doing it, to make personal connections with…

  • My Next Video Game Console

    I play video games mostly on an iPhone. It’s the only thing I have with me all the time, and occasionally I can steal a few minutes from my busy life to play Sword and Sworcery or Super Hexagon or Puzzlejuice. I own, somewhere in my house, a Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintedo, Sega Genesis,…

  • Delicate Steve

    Delicate Steve’s Positive Force album shreds!

  • Top Ten 2009 Albums to Play for Your Parents

    The last of the Super Secret Space Base posts. Links were to dead streaming site lala. here comes a time in your life where you run out of time to pay attention to all of the different things that were so interesting in your youth. Very often, this time comes right around the time you…

  • 5 Reasons I Love The Fifth Element

    Yup, another one from Super Secret Space Base. 1. Design The movie looks great. It’s dominated by colors–each set has its dominant color, which permeates the scene. The shots are carefully balanced but not static. Even though the movie is almost 15 years old, the effects work doesn’t look that dated. Sure, some of the…

  • Mary Poppins – Still Great for Kids

    Another originally posted at Super Secret Space Base. Recently I sat down to watch Mary Poppins with my daughter. She had really enjoyed The Sound of Music (aka the greatest musical ever made) and I thought I would subject her to some more of Julie Andrews’ singing, this time augmented with some Disney magic. I…

  • Primer: Daft Punk

    This was originally posted to Super Secret Space Base, a now defunct blog that I tried to start with an internet pal. I’m reposting some of my random internet posts here to keep them all in one spot. Most of the links in this post go to a dead music streaming site called Primer…